Our Work
What we do
We pursue our mission through our strategic direction, which relate to the United Nations three main pillars-peace & security, rights and sustainable development. We approach these directions through two interrelated sets of strategies.
A. Education and awareness raising
B. Policy development and advocacy Partnerships
We actively collaborate other civil society organizations, individuals and corporate bodies.
Peace and Security Objectives
- To provide citizens a framework to hold government accountable in the face of genocide and extra judicial killing.
- Mobilise public and political will for the responsibility to protect.
- Mobilise public and political will for nuclear dissarment and non proliferation of small arms
Sustainable Development Objective
Promote the contribution of civil society in the consultation and implementation processes of the post 2015 development agenda
- Educate civil society and private sector about sustainable development
- Monitor and disseminate information related to the post 2015 development agenda
CCDI works to strengthen and improve the understanding of sustainable development. We achieve this through the engagement of people who share a global mindset and support sustainable development as issue for this generation and generations after.
- To Reverse the loss of forest cover through sustainable forest management, including protection, restoration, afforestation and reforestation, and increase efforts to prevent forest degradation
- To limit the most damaging impacts of climate change, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions wherever and whenever it may occur
- To provide a platform for dialogue and participation of people in promoting and strengthening the processes of democratisation, the rule of law and respect for human rights
- To promote youth and women participation in political, legislative, social, economic and cultural processes
- To promote good governance and social accountability vis a vis sustainable development activities through integrated and multidimensional joint programmes
- To promote healthy lifestyles and heath education that prevents diseases
Democratisation Process
The Centre is one of the few civil society organisations that are registered by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to observe election. Hence, the centre has been observing elections since 2011. The Centre also conducted seminars in conjunction with Rights Monitoring Group on voters’ education, electoral delineation and civic education.
Sustainable Development
Since 2011 the Centre has embark on assessment of Millennium Development Goals in the States. Adamawa, Anambra and Delta are some of the few States who met the requirement for such exercise, to assess the level of achievements in the state with the view to encouraging and putting the states on their toes.
Talks on nation building and sustainable development were organized for all the stakeholders in the country: students, religious bodies, women, children, youths, etc
Human Rights Education
We also organised gender sensitive programmes where issues like Gender Equality are addressed. We intervened to a logical conclusion any issue concerning infringement on the rights of any Nigerian as may be reported to us.